Ben 10 Alien Creation Chamber

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Kids hold the power of the universe with this awesome playset. By placing five different alien parts in the chamber and twisting the knob, they can make their own alien creatures. The chamber turns into a carrying case for storage and travel. Bandai. Ages: 4+

Technical Details

- Set include four alien figures
- Six alien special recipes for challenging game play
- Special alien key to unlock figures
- Attached storage box for extra alien parts
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Customer Buzz
 "Age inappropriate, poorly manufactured and difficult" 2009-09-13
By K. Merkett (West Texas Hill Country)
While the IDEA of assembling your own creatures is great, and our son loves putting together the various pieces to create new "guys," this toy is poorly made and will remain forever in our memories as a BAD idea. Our family endured 3 hours of frustration - both child and adult - because this toy is so difficult to enjoy. Each alien requires a TINY grey piece in order to be attached to another part or to the chamber. This is day 2 and several of these have already fallen off and some are lost (no extras are provided!) All the parts are so tiny and difficult to insert that the toy is not appropriate for a 4-year old's manual agility (or a 40-year old) Once we get the alien's parts in the chamber to "create" him, the dials become immobile. Once we mobilize the dials and turn the creation button, it's almost impossible for a grown-up to, as the instructions dictate, to "lock" the parts and the press the button to pop out the new creature. My husband has to come over and press the button every time. VERY frustrating. Many tears and fits later, we will not recommend this toy. Great idea, poor implementation. Definitely not age-appropriate, and definitely not worth $30. Get some legos instead.

Customer Buzz
 "My 4 and 6 year olds LOVE this toy" 2009-09-07
By S. Chenoweth (Baltimore, MD USA)
I will agree that the tab that holds the torso in place is a little weak (we ended up breaking it the first time we used it like others who have added comments here). However, soon we figured out how everything worked and we never had a problem with it since. My boys LOVE creating and "being" the aliens. They played with it for three months straight after we got it and ask for new aliens for every birthday and Christmas. We just hope Bandai keeps creating new aliens!

Customer Buzz
 "Very cool to make your own aliens!" 2009-05-03
By M. Schaffner (Camden, MI)
My son got this and it is pretty cool! he is 6. My 11 yo actually likes it a little better tho I think. seems a little difficult for my 6yo to grasp how he needs to set it up w/out breaking the little parts. and they ARE LITTLE PARTS. chamber comes w/ extra white clip for the torso part. nothing broke on ours yet. we will be extra careful based on its reviews from others tho.

my son actually got ALL the extra kits/2-pack sets that go with this and the bottom of the chamber is not large enough to hold more than 6 or 8 guy parts unless you mix them all up together. they should have made the storage area deeper so all can be stored in it. we have a tupperware container full too. the top of the chamber doesn't lock on top for storing it so keeps falling off if he bumps it in his room, etc.

he seems to enjoy playing w/ it and he and my older son like to make up what powers the mixed up aliens will have. sometimes they put them together w/out the chamber.

Customer Buzz
 "Not age appropriate for the quality" 2009-04-10
By Chris Chaney (Denver, CO USA)
Bought this for my son's 6th birthday. He has asked for it for months. I paid $30 for it and he was super excited. Got it home to find out that you have to tweak the unit every time you go to make an alien, and if everything isn't lined up just right the parts won't go together. I can get it to work 95% of the time and my son can get it to work 5% of the time. He loves it, but it causes him a lot of frustration. It might be great for an older child who is ok with bumping the parts into place when they don't line up, but for a 6 yo who expects it to work the way its shows on TV it is a big letdown.

Our item came with a spare clip for the torso, but we have had it one day and have had to replace the original clip already. Not a well made toy at all.

Customer Buzz
 "Fairly Enjoyable But Difficult to Use" 2009-03-07
By William Arnold (Bellevue, Nebraska USA)
I bought this for my 5-year-old Grandson's birthday and he really loves it. He and I usually play it together when he comes to visit on weekends. I say he and I because some of the controls are too stiff for him to work. Specifically, there's thumb-wheels that you spin to select arms, leg unit, and head after you manually insert the body part. One of the thumb-wheels is difficult for even me to work and, after finally getting it to turn, jerks the whole unit so hard some/all of the parts come loose and fly out of the unit. Also, to make the whole thing work, there's a dial/button you first turn until the parts are together and the lights lite up then push down to pop the assembled Ben10 character off. About 3/4 of the time, my grandson can't turn this or push it down and, when I do it, the aforementioned disaster happens. Not that I mind playing with my grandson but he plays with it by himself between weekends but ends up just assembling/disassembling the characters without the machine. After several weeks, we've had no breakage. He's now become bored with the toy but additional 2-packs of Ben10 characters ($15.00--yikes!) rekindle (no pun intended) his interest.

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